Home + Living | The Ultimate Indoor House Plant

I’ve murdered many plants in my life. So it warms my heart to create a post about one that I have a beautiful bond with. My Peace Lily…or Spathiphyllum Plant.

Let me start by sharing: this plant is such a joy to have around and SO easy to care for. Mainly because it lets you know when it’s in need of hydration. Yep, the telltale sign:


Drooping leaves. Add water to the soil and within the hour it’ll sprout back to life again.


Now lets talk about why I REALLY adore this plant. These oh so adorable flowers or “Lillies” that bloom mostly in the Spring months. And the reason behind this post:


Its been over a year since my Peace Lillie’s have shown their pretty faces. And, excitedly enough, its WINTER time and not one but two of these beauty’s appeared.

Another super awesome fact about the Peace Lilly:
This tropical plant breaks down and neutralizes toxic gases like formaldehyde and carbon monoxide inside its pores. While we all appreciate cleaner, oxygenated air, it’s also the easy Peace Lily care, resiliency and forgiving nature that makes them such popular house plants.

A plant that’s easy to care for, great for improving indoor air quality and is a sight to see!? Instant winner in my book. Purchased for less than $10 at Walmart about three years ago. I give this plant a 5 star rating for my Carmen Veal Interiors clients, and one looking to add life to any room!

Until next time,


DIY | Tree decor to die for

Greetings dolls!

I had the pleasure of turning something old into sometime super fun and brand new. Tree trunks spray painted to use in the home as props. The project pretty self-explanatory and easy to follow through pics below.



I found the top two images via google– since I didn’t take before and during pics. The sky is the limit with the color paint you can use for this projects. Here is the big reveal:


Until next time,
